Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to water damage prevention. Knowing what to inspect around your home will help you stop leaks before they happen. Instead of cleaning up messes, you can prevent them. Many of the common sources of water damage boil down to three categories. These include appliances, water pipes that aren’t protected from the elements, and a leaky roof. All of these can spread water far and wide calling for major water damage restoration. These tips for water damage prevention will cut your risk of leaks dramatically.
The most common cause of preventable water damage in the home is faulty appliances. This is especially true of appliances that draw heavily on water, such as dishwashers and laundry machines. The rubber tubes can become brittle over time. If the hoses aren’t examined and changed when they age, water can leak. These leaks become water damage over time. These leaks are difficult to detect before they reach emergency status. The hookups are at the back of these machines, which few homeowners check frequently. Keeping up with regularly scheduled maintenance makes water damage prevention a part of your yearly routine.
Water expands when it freezes. This expansive force can be stronger than plumbing pipes causing pipes freezing. If you live in an area with even mild winters, make sure you insulate your pipes. You don’t have to be subject to regular blizzards to make wrapping your external pipes a useful precaution. All it takes is one freezing night to cost you a lot of money in repairs.
If you live in a cold area or you don’t typically heat your basement, remember to wrap pipes there as well. While external pipes are at the most risk for freezing, interior pipes can freeze as well. If they do, the cost of repairs is almost usually to be greater. A flooded basement can ruin anything that’s stored there. Mold prevention becomes an uphill battle, as a damp basement is perfect for mold growth. A professional can make a recommendation for you if you’re unsure which pipes to wrap.
Regular roof inspections can help prevent water damage to your attic, roof, and interior walls. Roof leaks can be difficult to detect. Typically, by the time you’re experiencing leaks in the ceiling, the damage is extensive. Regularly perform interior checks of your topmost rooms during the winter months. Look out for mold, dampness, or discoloration on the walls or ceiling. Call in a professional roofer every spring, or after a particularly nasty storm. Some roof damage is difficult to spot without experience. Many common roof problems start small, so prompt repairs will keep your bills low.
It’s important you stay on top of your roof maintenance, wrap your pipes in insulation, and check in on your appliances in order to prevent water damage. Water damage prevention works best in small, consistent steps. By remaining a proactive homeowner, you reduce the odds of water damage.